Winston's Lab Overwatch Player Ranking
Single Event Ranking:
The Player Rankings are created by calculating a players'
Rating and
slightly adjusting?
it by his Strength of Schedule (SOS) and Fight Winrate (FWin%).
The numbers used for this ranking are from the last 3 months only!
To be eligible to be displayed on this list a player has to have...
Create Your Ranking
The numbers used for this ranking are from the last 3 months only!
To be eligible to be displayed on this list a player has to have...
- At least 3 hours of playtime for the 'All Heroes' ranking (1 hour at start of season)
- At least 5 minutes and at least 20% of the time of the person that has the most playtime on this hero, for a single hero ranking
- A rating of no less than 50