Color Code: worst | bottom 5% |
bottom 10% | bottom 15% |
below average | above average |
top 15% | top 10% |
top 5% | best
Tip: Hover numbers for more precise values and averages. Sorting is done by percental change to average.
Averages are calculated using all players' stats. Top/Bottom x% comparisons only use criterium fulfilling players (CFP). The only criterium is a +15min playtime (default). Only CFP's are shown below.
Averages are calculated using all players' stats. Top/Bottom x% comparisons only use criterium fulfilling players (CFP). The only criterium is a +15min playtime (default). Only CFP's are shown below.
Player | Hero | #CFP | Time | Rating | Win% | FWin% | PTK | PTD | kills/10min | deaths/10 | assists/10 | ults/10min | TTCU | KPU | Ult Eff | FF | FK | FD | F3K | F3D | avg K Pos | avg D Pos | TUH | ||||||
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